Call for Abstracts
Abstract submissions for EUROMAR2013 is now open 1/12/2012
- Biosolids
- Computation and Theory
- Liquid State NMR methods
- Materials and Processes
- Transport and Diffusion
- Proteins and Nucleic Acids
- Metabolomics
- Imaging
- In Cell and In Vivo Studies
- Paramagnetic Systems
- EPR Methods and Applications
- Solid State NMR Methods
- Relaxation and Dynamics
- Sensitivity Enhancement
- Small Molecules and Pharmaceuticals
- New Methodologies and Instrumentation Advances
- Magnetism and Superconductivity
- Materials and Methods in the Nanoscale
- Intermetallic and Composite Materials
- Spatially Resolved NMR and EPR of solids
- Solid State Physics (other)
- Industrial and Cultural Applications